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I imagine you found Maui Homeschool Hale because you’re a parent or educator exploring the space where home and school meet. Maybe you're questioning tradition, learning about new methods and older ones evolving for the next generations. Whatever brings you, yay! It's a joy sharing with you in this way.
Beyond founding Waldorf curative education, Rudolf Steiner offers a wide range from biodynamic farming to integrative holistic medicine, a philosophy of freedom and more. He proposes that humans are spiritual beings living a physical existence; that life unfolds in 7-year stages; that physical forces, formative growth forces, soul forces, and spirit forces support the expression of the individual human mind and the capacity for reflective thinking. Read more Anthroposophical biography work is one aspect of my committment to inner growth and spiritual study, a place from which to initiate meaningful connections. Here's a little nod to that ...
My given name is Aria, a name I’m honored to bear.
Hebrew: like a beautiful melody
Italian: air; an accompanied, elaborate melody sung (as in an opera) by a single voice; a striking solo performance
Greek: lioness
I’m a single mother of one beloved five year-old son, Jedidiah Wolff. I consider myself ever-striving in many roles and probably like you, I wear a lot of different hats. Depending on the day I might wear one or several at a time. Or none. Ever have those days? The days when you hang it all up to dry out, cool off and relax a little? Just leave it there on the hook while you rest? Recovery is key to striving.
I enjoy talking story, listening, connecting with others, strengthening relationships, growing roots. I love evenings at home by the fire with mellow music, candles, and potatoes roasting in the oven. Add in a mug of hot ginger tea with honey, lemon and lots of cayenne and I am good, so good.
I moved to Maui in 2016 for a teaching position at Haleakala Waldorf School. Before that, my place was in McCarthy, Alaska. There, I lived a rural, off-grid lifestyle married to a mountain guide / timber framer. Together, we were homesteading our 10 acre parcel within Wrangell-St. Elias National Park, largest of our nation’s National Parks. Think, 13.2 million acres of mountains, lakes, rivers, glaciers, and ice fields as far as the eye can see. We owned a skiing and climbing guide service and gear shop. We flew clients into the backcountry on small planes for multi-day expeditions, partnered with elite lodges and professional athletes for unparalleled guided adventures. In fact, everyday life was an adventure! I imagined myself raising children and prepared for homeschooling them with chop-wood-carry-water values that were the keystone of our reality. Eventually, my imaginings turned to Plans. We all know what the broadcasters at KGOD love to do with Plans! Yep, that. Looking back, I’m grateful knowing I can do hard things.
Today, I find island lifestyle is similar in some ways to living in rural Alaska. Both are exotic, unbelievably beautiful and powerfully formative. It takes a bit of preparation to live remotely, and vigilance is key. Remarkably, the calling to truly manifest my homeschool offering has come from the community here on Maui, a thrilling natural evolution.
Maui Homeschool Hale is the culmination of my professional and personal work to this point, a space where essential life skills and artistic expression come together. Here, we have the opportunity to guide from and through unique experiences, nurturing a child's sense of wonder and awe, self-attunement, self-trust, confidence, and faith in the world.
My intention is to invite your accompaniment as we navigate notions of home and school together. These two can dance like watercolors on paper! Each entity stands pure and true to itself while also holding space for new friends and new opportunities to come onto the canvas. Their collaboration expands potential.
My intention is also to honor the ancestors and those who are yet to come, to walk gracefully in the light of my name. Energetic and strong, protective and brave, nurturing and fiercely committed to nourishing her young, the lioness thrives on challenge and service to her pride.
I hope you’ll join as Maui Homeschool Hale enters the stage to carry a new, evolving elaborate melody. It might even be a striking performance!
Thank you for being here!